Rabu, 09 Juni 2010

Gardening Orchid

Orchids are one of the most beautiful flowers and growing orchids in your house or greenhouse is sure going to be a nice experience. As orchids are very sensitive flowers, these orchid gardening tips will help you in growing beautiful orchids in your house. You need to be careful while gardening orchids as even a little carelessness may destroy your plant.

There are different types of orchids. You should know the exact type of Orchid for proper Orchid gardening. Temperature plays an important role in orchid gardening and if you know the right species of orchid you are growing then you can control the temperature accordingly. The ideal temperature for most of the species of orchids is between 60 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit.

Proper watering is also necessary for proper and smooth orchid gardening. Excess watering may also kill the orchid roots and destroy your plant. The frequency of watering orchid plants depends upon the temperature and the species of orchids. Generally, orchid plants need watering once in every 10 days.

Applying proper fertilizers to your plants also plays an important role in orchid gardening. Orchid plants need fertilizers once every month. Proper fertilizers boost the growth of your plant and will result in growing beautiful Orchids while any laxity in applying fertilizers may hamper the growth of your plant and may inhibit flowers from growing. However, applying excess fertilizers may also burn the leaves and roots, so proper attention must be paid to the quantity of fertilizer applied.

Orchid gardening norms also require that proper light must be provided to the plant in order to produce beautiful flowers. Few of the species or Orchids require less light and it is recommended to move those plants away from the window or place them in the northeast side window so that they get less light. The amount of light an Orchid plant is getting can be judged by the color of the leaves which should be ideally bright green. In case they are dark green it implies that they are getting less light and if the leaves are reddish green it shows that they are getting extra light.

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